Following registration, all candidates shall be assessed on their academic capabilities and performance in English and Mathematics. Assessment shall be based on minimal development levels required at the conclusion of the previous class, in keeping with the school syllabus.

The assessment shall be followed by an interview which shall be aimed at determining the congruency of the parental point of view with that of the school and interpreting the subject scores of the students with regard to their potential, aptitude, personality, intelligence, sporting skills, aesthetic and creative abilities and any other criterion deemed notable by the admission committee. Failure to attend the above interview shall cause the registration to lapse. In such cases, the registration shall be considered null and void and the registration fee shall be forfeited. The admission committee shall be the final arbitrator in such cases and may at its discretion conduct another test in genuine cases, if so justified.

Required Documentation

Eligible applicants who are offered admission must avail of the offer within the specified time by paying the necessary admission dues as specified in the current year’s fee structure and returning the duly signed indemnity agreement (on judicial stamp paper) to the school.

Applicants must also submit a copy of their Aadhar Card and their medical history, failing which the offer of admission shall lapse. Along with the duly filled admission documents, the applicants also have to submit the original transfer certificate and the report card from the previous school.

Withdrawals/ Transfer Certificates

If the student is withdrawn or does not join before the start of the academic year: Registration, Admission and Term Fees shall be forfeited in favour of the school and the remaining Imprest* and Security fees shall be refunded.

Parents who withdraw their child mid-term shall not be entitled to any refund of fees. Parents who propose in advance to withdraw their child in a given term must give due notice in writing to the Director-Principal no less than 90 days before the start of the new academic session, failing which the security deposit shall be forfeited.

Security Refund

A formal letter of request for security is required. Security refund shall be made at the end of November after the school audits.

Prohibited Items

All forms of intoxicants (tobacco, liquor, drugs, etc.), weapons, pets, expensive jewellery and items such as mobile phones and other communication devices shall be prohibited on campus.